Kyurious Minds Computer Academy SQL SQL : Filtering Data with WHERE

SQL : Filtering Data with WHERE


  • Understand the WHERE clause syntax and its usage
  • Use comparison operators to filter data
  • Apply logical operators to refine query results

1. Introduction to WHERE Clause (5 minutes)

Syntax Overview:

  • The WHERE clause is used to filter records that meet specified conditions.
  SELECT column1, column2, ...
  FROM table_name
  WHERE condition;



2. Comparison Operators (10 minutes)

Common Comparison Operators:

  • = : Equal to
  • <> or != : Not equal to
  • > : Greater than
  • < : Less than
  • >= : Greater than or equal to
  • <= : Less than or equal to


  • Select rows where ID is 1:
  SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE ID = 1;
  • Select rows where DateOfBirth is after ‘1990-01-01’:
  SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE DateOfBirth > '1990-01-01';


  • Write SQL queries to:
  1. Select rows where ID is greater than 1.
  2. Select rows where Name is not equal to ‘John Doe’.

3. Logical Operators (10 minutes)

Logical Operators:

  • AND : Combines multiple conditions; all conditions must be true.
  • OR : Combines multiple conditions; at least one condition must be true.
  • NOT : Negates a condition.


  • Select rows where ID is 1 and DateOfBirth is ‘1990-01-01’:
  SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE ID = 1 AND DateOfBirth = '1990-01-01';
  • Select rows where ID is 1 or ID is 2:
  SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE ID = 1 OR ID = 2;
  • Select rows where Name is not ‘John Doe’:
  SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE NOT Name = 'John Doe';


  • Write SQL queries to:
  1. Select rows where ID is 1 and Name is ‘John Doe’.
  2. Select rows where ID is less than 3 or DateOfBirth is after ‘1990-01-01’.
  3. Select rows where Name is not ‘Jane Smith’.

4. Combining Conditions (10 minutes)

Using Parentheses:

  • Parentheses are used to group conditions and control the order of operations.
  SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE (ID = 1 OR ID = 2) AND Name = 'John Doe';


SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE (ID = 1 AND DateOfBirth = '1990-01-01') OR Name = 'John Doe';


  • Write SQL queries to:
  1. Select rows where (ID = 1 OR ID = 2) AND Name = 'John Doe'.
  2. Select rows where ID is 1 and (Name = 'John Doe' OR Name = 'Jane Smith').

5. Practical Exercise: Filtering Data (5 minutes)

  • Task:
  • Use the Students table created earlier.
  • Insert additional sample data into Students table: INSERT INTO Students (StudentID, FirstName, LastName, EnrollmentDate) VALUES (4, 'Alice', 'Brown', '2024-01-18'), (5, 'Bob', 'White', '2024-01-19');
  • Exercises:
  1. Select all columns from Students where EnrollmentDate is ‘2024-01-15’.
  2. Select FirstName and LastName from Students where StudentID is greater than 2.
  3. Select rows where LastName is ‘Smith’ and EnrollmentDate is after ‘2024-01-15’.


  1. Using WHERE Clause:
  • Exercise: Write SQL queries to:
    • Select rows where ID is 1.
    • Select rows where DateOfBirth is after ‘1990-01-01’.
  1. Comparison Operators:
  • Exercise: Write queries to:
    • Select rows where ID is greater than 1.
    • Select rows where Name is not equal to ‘John Doe’.
  1. Logical Operators:
  • Exercise: Write queries to:
    • Select rows where ID is 1 and DateOfBirth is ‘1990-01-01’.
    • Select rows where ID is 1 or ID is 2.
    • Select rows where Name is not ‘John Doe’.
  1. Combining Conditions with Parentheses:
  • Exercise: Write queries to:
    • Select rows where (ID = 1 OR ID = 2) AND Name = 'John Doe'.
    • Select rows where ID is 1 and (Name = 'John Doe' OR Name = 'Jane Smith').
  1. Sample Queries for Students Table:
  • Exercise: Execute the following queries:
    1. Select all columns from Students where EnrollmentDate is ‘2024-01-15’.
    2. Select FirstName and LastName from Students where StudentID is greater than 2.
    3. Select rows where LastName is ‘Smith’ and EnrollmentDate is after ‘2024-01-15’.


  • Practice Questions:
  • Write SQL queries to:
    • Select rows where StudentID is between 1 and 3.
    • Retrieve students whose EnrollmentDate is on or after ‘2024-01-16’.