Activity | Description |
1. Simple Output | Use write-host to print “Hello, World!” to the console. |
2. User Input | Use read-host to prompt the user for their name and then use write-host to greet them. |
3. Create a Directory | Use mkdir to create a new directory named “Practice”. |
4. Copy a File | Create a text file named “file.txt” with some content in it, then use copy-item to make a copy of “file.txt” named “file_backup.txt”. |
5. Rename a File | Use rename-item to rename “file.txt” to “newfile.txt”. |
6. Move a File | Use move-item to move “file_backup.txt” into the “Practice” directory. |
7. List Windows Services | Use get-service to retrieve a list of all the services on your computer. |
8. Save Service List to File | Pipe the output of get-service to out-file and save it as “services.txt”. |
9. Custom Output | Create a script that prints a formatted list of all services, including their name and status, using get-service and write-host. |
10. User Interaction | Create a script that asks the user for a file name, copies that file to a backup location, and then confirms the action with a message using read-host, copy-item, and write-host. |
11. Directory Creation with User Input | Prompt the user to enter a name for a new directory using read-host, then use mkdir to create that directory. |
12. File Copy with User Input | Ask the user for the name of a file they want to copy and the destination folder using read-host, then use copy-item to copy the file to the specified location. |
13. File Renaming with User Input | Prompt the user to enter the name of a file they want to rename and the new name using read-host, then use rename-item to rename the file. |
14. File Movement with User Input | Ask the user for the name of a file they want to move and the destination folder using read-host, then use move-item to move the file to the specified location. |
15. Service Status Check with User Input | Prompt the user to enter the name of a service they want to check using read-host, then use get-service to retrieve the status of that service and display it. |
16. Output File Creation with User Input | Ask the user for a message they want to save to a file using read-host, then use out-file to save the message to a file named by the user. |
17. User Confirmation | Create a script that asks the user if they want to perform a certain action (like deleting a file) using read-host, then execute the action based on their response. |
18. Interactive Menu | Create a script that presents the user with a menu of options (e.g., create directory, copy file, etc.) using read-host, then execute the selected option. |
19. User-Defined Variables | Prompt the user to enter values for variables (e.g., file paths, directory names) using read-host, then use those variables in subsequent commands. |
20. Error Handling with User Input | Create a script that prompts the user for input, but if they enter an invalid value (e.g., a non-existent file name), provide an error message and prompt them again until they enter a valid value. Use try-catch for error handling. |
21. Delayed execution | Write a script that prompts the user for a time in seconds using read-host , then uses Start-Sleep to delay execution for the specified time before continuing. |
22. Filter Services by Status | Write a script that prompts the user to enter a service status (e.g., Running, Stopped) using read-host , then uses Get-Service to retrieve a list of services with that status. |
23. Display Service Dependencies | Write a script that prompts the user for a service name using read-host , then uses Get-Service to retrieve information about that service, including its dependencies. |
24. Secure Input | Write a script that prompts the user for a password without displaying the input using read-host -AsSecureString , then converts the secure string to plain text for further processing. |
25. Create Multiple Files | Write a script that prompts the user for a directory path using read-host , then uses New-Item to create multiple files within that directory. |
26. Validate File Existence | Write a script that prompts the user for a file name using read-host , then checks if the file exists. If the file does not exist, display an error message and prompt the user again. |
27. Handle Invalid Input with Retry Limit | Write a script that prompts the user for a password using read-host , and allows a maximum of three attempts. If the user fails to provide the correct password within three attempts, display an error message and terminate the script. |
28. Text Analysis | Prompt the user to input a piece of text and analyze the text to determine the following:
29. Text Search in multiple files | Prompt the user to mention a text and folder path (having multiple files). Find the file that contains that specific text. Display the file name to the user. |
30. Move old files | Prompt the user to enter a directory path. Retrieve files in the directory and move files older than a specified number of days to the “archive” folder. |