Kyurious Minds Computer Academy Blog Excel – Conditional Formatting

Excel – Conditional Formatting

Conditional Formatting


      • Definition


            • Purpose: A feature that changes the appearance of cells based on specified conditions.

            • Usage: Highlights data to make it easier to analyze and understand.

        • Accessing Conditional Formatting


              • Location: Found under the “Home” tab in the Excel ribbon.

              • Menu: Conditional Formatting drop-down menu with various options.

          • Common Conditional Formatting Rules


                • Highlight Cell Rules


                      • Greater Than / Less Than: Highlights cells with values greater or less than a specified value.

                      • Between: Highlights cells with values between two specified numbers.

                      • Equal To: Highlights cells with values equal to a specified value.

                      • Text That Contains: Highlights cells containing specified text.

                      • A Date Occurring: Highlights cells with dates falling in a specified time frame.

                      • Duplicate Values: Highlights cells with duplicate or unique values within a range.

              • Top/Bottom Rules


                    • Top 10 Items / Bottom 10 Items: Highlights the top or bottom N items in a range.

                    • Top 10% / Bottom 10%: Highlights the top or bottom N percent of items in a range.

                    • Above Average / Below Average: Highlights cells with values above or below the average.

                • Data Bars


                      • Definition: Visual bars within cells that represent the value in relation to other values in the range.

                      • Usage: Creates an in-cell bar chart to compare values.

                  • Color Scales


                        • Definition: Shades cells with different colors based on the value in each cell.

                        • Usage: Uses gradient colors to show value ranges, making it easy to see high, medium, and low values.

                    • Icon Sets


                          • Definition: Adds icons to cells based on their values.

                          • Types: Includes arrows, traffic lights, stars, and other symbols.

                          • Usage: Provides a quick visual representation of data trends.

                      • Custom Conditional Formatting Rules


                            • New Rule: Create custom rules using formulas or specific criteria.

                            • Formula-Based Rules: Apply formatting based on the result of a formula (e.g., =A1>10).

                        • Managing Conditional Formatting Rules


                              • Rule Manager: Accessed via “Manage Rules” to edit, delete, or prioritize multiple rules.

                              • Editing Rules: Modify the conditions or formatting applied by a rule.

                              • Deleting Rules: Remove rules that are no longer needed.

                              • Order of Rules: Change the order in which rules are applied.

                          • Practical Examples : Try below activities for practice.
                            • Highlighting Sales Performance: Use color scales to show sales performance across different regions.
                              Region Sales Q1 Sales Q2 Sales Q3 Sales Q4 Total Sales
                              North 15000 18000 17000 16000 66000
                              South 22000 21000 25000 24000 92000
                              East 14000 13000 15000 12000 54000
                              West 20000 19000 23000 21000 83000
                              Central 18000 17000 16000 15000 66000

                              • Deadline Tracking: Highlight past due dates and upcoming deadlines with different colors.
                                Task Assigned To Due Date Status
                                Task A John 10-06-2024 Completed
                                Task B Mary 18-06-2024 In Progress
                                Task C Steve 20-06-2024 Not Started
                                Task D Anna 25-06-2024 In Progress
                                Task E Mark 22-06-2024 Not Started
                                Task F Lucy 01-07-2024 Not Started
                                Task G Paul 15-06-2024 Completed
                                Task H Karen 21-06-2024 In Progress

                              • Grade Analysis: Use icon sets to represent different grade ranges (e.g., A, B, C).
                                Student Name Subject Grade
                                Alice Mathematics 85
                                Bob Science 78
                                Charlie English 92
                                David History 88
                                Eva Geography 74
                                Frank Physics 95
                                Grace Chemistry 81
                                Henry Biology 67
                                Irene Literature 89
                                Jack Economics 73

                            • Best Practices


                                  • Simplicity: Avoid overloading with too many rules; keep it simple and focused.

                                  • Clarity: Choose colors and icons that are easily distinguishable.

                                  • Relevance: Ensure the formatting adds value and enhances data analysis.