Command | Description | Example |
DIR | Displays files and subdirectories in the current directory | dir |
CD | Changes the current working directory | cd [directory_name] |
MD | Creates a new directory | md [directory_name] |
RD | Deletes a directory | rd [directory_name] |
COPY | Copies files from one location to another | copy [source] [destination] |
DEL | Deletes one or more files | del [file_name] |
REN | Renames a file or directory | ren [old_name] [new_name] |
CLS | Clears the screen of all previous commands and outputs | cls |
TYPE | Displays the contents of a text file | type [file_name] |
ECHO | Displays messages or turns command echoing on/off | echo [message] |
EXIT | Closes the Command Prompt window | exit |
HELP | Displays information about available commands | help |